by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and Welcome,
Yes! It's been forever since I posted here....
survived the 2017-18 winter flu epidemic - just barely. Both my hubby and I got it at the same time- but I was hit much harder due to my respiratory issues. He had to take me to hospital urgent care and they took several tests - including a nostril swab. After finishing 3 prescriptions, I lived to tell the tale...I don't EVER want to be that sick again.
Now I'm working on my 1st quilt. It's challenging because I'm a pretty new 'seamstress'. But I'll get there. Just takes a LOT of patience.
you're invited to attend the
Art Journaling Summer Camp that I'm hosting near Chicago, IL in July of this year. It's an all afternoon intensive, immersion experience to create your own, unique Art Journal!
Following are some art journals I've created - including some commissioned works!
Luscious silk ribbons on wire-bound Art Journal!
Fan - front
Fan top/front of prepped Giveaway Art Journal - this AJ went to a lucky Giveaway winner! |
Fan top of prepped Giveaway Art Journal - this AJ went to a lucky Giveaway winner!
Page - right side + some supplies
Spread - 2 pages
2 AJs, Fan backs with ribbons |
Fan - front - Steampunk Art Journal |
Fan - top - Steampunk Art Journal |
Cover - commissioned Art Journal 'Paris' |
2 Fans, top front Covers - Before and After -
Steampunk Art Journal |
Cover - Extreme close-up -
Steampunk Art Journal |
Fan, Top, Binding with Ribbons, Cover with Assemblage -
Steampunk Art Journal - gift for Father's Day |
Fan -front - Steampunk Art Journal |
Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale |
Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale |
Top - Side - Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale |
Bottom Rotating Assemblage - of Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale |
Assemblage Shadow Box - detail - 'before completion' of
Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale
Top of
Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale |
Fan - Top, plus Ribbons on binding |
Fan - front Cover and embellished ribbon binding - commissioned
Lifetime and World Travel art journal |
Collage of Art Journals - multiple angles |
2018 Summer Camp Cost - $75 USD
Cost of this
2018 Summer Camp is $75 USD - includes
all supplies, materials, tools, snacks, beverages, and pizza dinner! Lodging not included.
You can also find info at
to research lodging near
The Splayce and also nearby restaurants.
For details, please visit my website, click -'Playroom'.
Hope you can plan to spend some time in Chicago this summer and join us!