Showing posts with label bujo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bujo. Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2020

'Office / Studio Tour: Bullet Journal Supplies and my Work Desk'

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

Howdy and Welcome!

On this stormy and steamy Sunday morning in Chicago, I'd like you to have a peek at my upstairs office.  This is where I do bullet journaling, bible journaling, and online tasks.

Desk - Long shot (left, center, right)
Desk view - lower Left

Desk view - upper Right

Desk view - upper Left 

Desk view - Center

My BUJO must have supplies are (in alphabetical order):
  • ·         Cling stamps and stamp pads
  • ·         Erasers
  •    o   Eraser – artist gum
  •    o   Eraser – Frixion
  • ·         Gesso – white
  • ·         Glue stick – Elmer’s All Purpose
  • ·         Highlighters
  •    o   Highlighter- Permanent – Sharpie (all colors)
  •    o   Highlighters - Erasable Highlighters - Frixion highlighters (all colors)
  • ·         Journals  - hardcover, pockets, elastic (dot or ruled) not  LT1917
  • ·         Markers
  •    o   Marker – Brush – Wink of Stella (clear)
  •    o   Marker – Pilot Precise V5 Rolling Ball – Extra Fine (black)
  •    o   Markers – Brush – zig Clean Color Real Brush (set)
  •    o   Markers - Crayola Pip Squeaks (set)
  •    o   Markers – Fineline Pen 0.38mm (set)
  •    o   Markers – Mildliners dual tip (all color sets)
  •    o   Markers – Sakura Pigma Micron  01 (brown)
  •    o   Markers – Stabilo OHPen Universal F (set) - waterproof
  •    o   Markers – Tombow Twintone - dual tip (set)
  • ·         Pens
  •    o   Pen - Erasable Pens - Frixion pens (all colors) + refills
  •    o   Pen - Fountain pens (various brands, inks, and nib sizes)
  •    o   Pen – Gel – PaperMate Ink Joy 1.0mm (set)
  •    o   Pen – Gel- PaperMate Gel 0.7
  •    o   Pen – Sakura Gel Glaze (black)
  •    o   Pen - Ballpoint pens – Staples (black, red, blue)
  • ·         Pencils
  •    o   Pencil – colored pencils (various brands)
  •    o   Pencil – No. 2 with eraser
  • ·         Post Its – 3 sizes and colors (blank and ruled)
  • ·         Ribbons - 3/8”W ribbons cut to 8”L (as bookmarks)
  • ·         Ruler – 6”
  • ·         Stickers (Faith, Wonder Woman, Star Wars, Minions)
  • ·         Tabs – DIY or Staples
  • ·         Tapes
  •    o   Tape - Correction tape ‘ Mr. Pen’ (set)
  •    o   Tape - Skinny washi tapes
  •    o   Tape – Removable tapes (one-sided & double-sided)
  •    o   Tape – Permanent tapes (Scotch Magic & double-sided)
  • ·         Templates - Plastic shape templates (flowchart and circles)
  • ·         Boards – Dash & Writing (DIY from Dollar Tree cutting mat)

Do you BuJo? What are your must have supplies? 
I'd love for you to comment!

Thanks for visiting!


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

'WOYWW - Back in the Fray with Planners and BuJo's!

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

Howdy and Welcome,

I've been MIA from WOYWW for a while.

Here is my office/planning desk today. There are about 4 different projects going on this desk. I need to re-organize and FOCUS!

There are 2 Passion Planner journals, my current planner/calendar (, 5 collections of washi tape, fountain pens, Frixion erasable bens and markers, turntable with divided platter of handy supplies, BIC wite out tape runner, stamps, sticky notes,  and more, and, more, and more, and...etc.

If you want to see my exciting news, check out my previous post today!

If you want to see more artists desks on Wednesdays, visit WOYWW here!

Thanks for stopping by - and please leave a comments.


Saturday, April 14, 2018

'July 2018 - Art Journaling Summer Camp - near Chicago July 2018!' CANCELLED

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

Howdy and Welcome,

Yes! It's been forever since I posted here....

I survived the 2017-18 winter flu epidemic - just barely. Both my hubby and I got it at the same time- but I was hit much harder due to my respiratory issues. He had to take me to hospital urgent care and they took several tests - including a nostril swab. After finishing 3 prescriptions, I lived to tell the tale...I don't EVER want to be that sick again.

Now I'm working on my 1st quilt. It's challenging because I'm a pretty new 'seamstress'. But I'll get there. Just takes a LOT of patience.

Meanwhile: CANCELLED
you're  invited to attend the Art Journaling Summer Camp that I'm hosting near Chicago, IL in July of this year. It's an all afternoon intensive, immersion experience to create your own, unique Art Journal!

Following are some art journals I've created - including some commissioned works!

Luscious silk ribbons on wire-bound Art Journal!

Fan - front
Fan top/front of prepped Giveaway Art Journal - this AJ went to a lucky Giveaway winner!

Fan top of prepped Giveaway Art Journal - this AJ went to a lucky Giveaway winner!

Page - right side + some supplies

Spread - 2 pages

2 AJs, Fan backs with ribbons

Fan - front - Steampunk Art Journal

Fan - top - Steampunk Art Journal

Cover - commissioned Art Journal 'Paris'

2 Fans, top front Covers  - Before and After -
Steampunk Art Journal

Cover - Extreme close-up -
Steampunk Art Journal

Fan, Top, Binding with Ribbons, Cover with Assemblage -
Steampunk Art Journal - gift for Father's Day
Fan -front - Steampunk Art Journal
 Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
 customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale 
Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
 customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale
Top - Side -  Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
 customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale
Bottom Rotating Assemblage  -  of Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
 customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale
Assemblage Shadow Box - detail - 'before completion' of
Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
 customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale

 Top of
Double 2-tier Rotating Assemblage with
 customizable Art Journal attached - 5' x 1'
For Sale

Fan - Top, plus Ribbons on binding

Fan - front Cover and embellished ribbon binding - commissioned
Lifetime and World Travel art journal

Collage of Art Journals - multiple angles
2018 Summer Camp Cost - $75 USD

Cost of this 2018 Summer Camp is $75 USD - includes all supplies, materials, tools, snacks, beverages, and pizza dinner! Lodging not included.

You can also find info at
 to research lodging near The Splayce and also nearby restaurants.

For details, please visit my website, click -'Playroom'.

Hope you can plan to spend some time in Chicago this summer and join us!


Saturday, December 30, 2017

'Happy New Year! and more goodies

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

Howdy and Welcome,

Yes! I have been MIA for awhile. But for 2018, I hope to post more often.

I have discovered the world of BuJos and am trying to do as much planning as possible. I'm trying to focus on completing my arts and crafts projects. Plus I finally started taking guitar lessons!

Here's a page from my BuJo that tracks my weight loss journey - which is a huge challenge and struggle for me. I have completed several more milestones since this photo was taken - but have not made any progress in months. Maybe my planning will help me to stay on track.

If you need a Birthday /Anniversary Calendar for you BuJo or planner, here's a no frills perpetual calendar I recently designed. It's an Instant Download PDF at my etsy shop.
If you are in the deep freeze like we are here in Chicago, here's a photo of me and Mr. Weber during 90 Degree F weather at the Weber House and Gardens this past July.  
Maybe this will warm us up! It's 4 degrees F right now - b-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r.

I look just like my younger sister, Marcy, in this photo. Because we look so much alike, we call ourselves 'twins', although we were born 6 years apart.

What's the temp in your 'neck of the woods'?

Have a great New Year!


Monday, August 7, 2017

'What's On My BuJo Desk - Washi Edition!'

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

Howdy and Welcome,

Here's a tiny peek at part of my washi tape collection. This is washi storage on my BuJo desk in my office where I do planning. I love journaling, Fountain Pens, stationary, and bullet journals.

Do you BuJo? Do you washi?

Please leave a comment and become a Follower. Followers get first announcements about the events, classes/workshops I teach, and retreats that I host!

Thanks for stopping by.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

"Ladies' Art Journaling Workshop (near Chicago) is Rapidly Aproaching!"

Our fun Art Journaling workshop is just days away! Come and learn fun techniques to start your own, unique Art Journal. No crafting or art experience required. Most supplies provided.
Snacks, beverages, and pizza dinner are included!
JULY 2017 at The SPlayce (in historic downtown Blue Island, IL, USA – adjacent to Chicago border)
 Sat, 7/22/17: Workshop - Art Journaling: 101 ($45 USD p/p includes dinner and more).
For detailed description and info, visit
                Click Art Journaling (download PDF file)
To register, visit www.lulu-too-beaucoup/events
                Select Workshops, click Art Journaling

• Time is 1:30pm to 11:30pm (except workshops/classes) - come when you can, leave when you need to. All lady crafters, 18 and up, are welcome.
• Sherpa - our Helper (Dave) is available at 1:30pm and 11:30pm  (except workshops/classes) to carry stuff from/to your car!

• Accessible! No stairs - easy ramp to ‘The SPlayce’.
• Food
 Snacks, soft drinks, bottled water, ice, paper products, and utensils are included.
 Pizza Meal – to eat pizza dinner, send your choice at least 72 hours in advance to:
Please include:
  • 1. DATE you are attending
  • 2. your pizza preference (meat OR veggie).
 Menus - Complimentary menus are also available if you prefer to order out on your own. No refunds given if you decline pizza dinner.
 OPTIONAL: BYO – fridge / freezer / microwave oven are available if you want to BYO food. No refunds given if you BYO food and/or decline pizza dinner.

• Secure – Call LuLu’s cell phone (workshop day only) upon arrival for entry to ‘The SPlayce’.
• Registration - Advance online registration is required. Payments are non-refundable.

Come join us!
Mary Lou ‘LuLu’ Haynes
Historic Downtown Blue Island, IL 60406 (located on southeast border of Chicago, IL)

Sunday, June 25, 2017

'The Case of the Missing Planner - Part 2' or 'The 18 Inch Rule'!

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

continued from Part 1 of
'The Case of the Missing Planner - Part 2' or
'The 18 Inch Rule'!

a turquoise Passion Planner

After the holidays and several weeks had passed while I was working on other projects, I went to resume working on my goals in my turquoise pleather Passion Planner. But I couldn't find it.

I looked in all the logical places in my home studios for my turquoise pleather Passion Planner. My husband looked in all the logical places in my home studios for my turquoise pleather Passion Planner.

He even looked in all the  'illogical' places for my turquoise pleather Passion Planner.

I looked in all the logical places in my SPlayce studio for my turquoise pleather Passion Planner. My husband looked in all the logical places in my SPlayce studio for my turquoise pleather Passion Planner.

I racked my brain for all the crafting events I attended after the holidays where I took my blank books. I even called the hostess of one of the events I attended. But sadly, no turquoise pleather Passion Planner was found.

After a few days of looking everywhere, I was getting more and more annoyed, more and more upset.

Finally I listed the turquoise planner on the 'Lost Items to be Found' page in my Bujo collections journal - and gave up ever finding it. I decided the turquoise planner was either stolen, had fallen into the trash, or fallen behind or under furniture. Gone forever - maybe someone else was enjoying it. I told myself "I can always buy another one."

Have you heard of 'The 18 Inch Rule"? It's the practically infallible rule of physics that says whatever you lost is within 18 inches of where you last had it. 'The 18 Inch Rule" is the way to find whatever is lost. We have invoked it several times since we learned about it.

I kept telling my husband that 'The 18 Inch Rule' is the key to finding my turquoise planner.
And it works!

After going through all my conniptions, after suffering through all my angst, after tearing up my studios, I finally FOUND my turquoise Passion Planner.

I bet you can guess where I found it...

Yes, you are correct. It was (less than) 18 Inches from where I last had it.

It was in my desk (which I had dreamed about the night before). But it was disguised as a BLACK journal - I had put it inside the black cover of a DIY Traveler's Notebook cover I made last year for my calendar.

All this time we were looking for a turquoise blue covered book, when it was actually black.  I had put my hand on it countless times during my search. But kept telling myself 'this is black so it's not my goals Passion Planner'.


So when I found it, I didn't shout 'Hallelujah', as I normally would in my times of jubilation.

I shouted, "18 Inches!'

The black culprit

The mysteriously missing, presumably LOST turquoise Passion Planner -
found by invoking 'The 18 Inch Rule'

Now, if only I could get 'The 18 Inch Rule' to find all the lost mates to my pairs of socks!


Do you use 'The 18 Inch Rule'? What turned up that you thought was 'lost'?

Thanks for visiting - please come back soon.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

''Pen Collection - Waterman Pens for my BuJos!'

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

Now that I'm seriously writing in my BuJo's, I decided to revisit my fountain pens and Waterman collection. Turns out that I have to clean my fountain pen nibs - duh!

Exclusive Black Lacquer body
with 18K 740 M nib in H2O soak.

Le Man Mineral Green Rhapsody Rollerball body
 with extra fine 99 felt tip refill

A BuJo Collection Page
Do you have a FP (fountain pen) collection? Do you BuJo?
Thanks for stopping by. Check out the Giveaway!

Monday, February 13, 2017

'LuLu Loves BuJo (Bullet Journaling) Collections - and Essentials Review!'

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

Howdy and Welcome,

I've been using a BUJO for over a year now, and I'm loving it. I prefer the ESSENTIALS book from Peter Pauper Press -  over Moleskine, Rhodia, and composition notebooks. I have 2 sizes, A5 and the small size - both in grid format.

There has been no 'ghosting' for me - only a little bleed through with a Sharpie and a fountain pen when I wrote in one spot for too long (doing pen test).

I use (Pilot) Frixion pens and Frixion  highlighters in my journals because they're erasable! No ghosting and no bleed through.  I use washi tape on same pages, too!

Essentials 'belly band' used as a front pocket.

One of my BuJo collections pages and Frixion pen
I had to add more INDEX pages in the back of the journal  - I ran out of room in the front INDEX!
Do you BuJo? What's your fave journal?
Thanks for stopping by. Please become a Follower - and leave a comment.
Don't forget to check out my giveaway!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

'WOYWW - Planner Peace?!'

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

Howdy and Welcome,

For WOYWW, on my office desk, I'm showing my 'elusive' goals Passion Planner...(see previous 2 posts, if you dare)!

Visit other artists studios at WOYWW blog - click here.

Thanks for stopping by and check out my Giveaway in right sidebar.


'The Case of the Missing Planner!' - Part 1

by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes

Howdy and Welcome,

How many of you readers love blank books and journals?

I am guessing that, some of you, like me, have a penchant for blank books, you have a stash of blank books, and, maybe even, have an obsession for blank books.

I have so many, too many, blank books. There are blank books everywhere. Blank books in nooks and crannies in my home studios. Blank books strewn around my offsite studio, The SPlayce.

There are blank books that I bought at the store. There are blank books that I made. There are so many, too many, blank books that I can't even keep track of them anymore.

There are spiral bound books, there are travelers notebooks, there are sewn binding books, and there are blank pamphlet books. There are blank books with all kinds of bindings.

There are blank books I use for journals, there are blank books I use for diaries. There are blank books I use for ideas,  there are blank books I use for Bujo Collections. There are blank books I use for sketching, there are blank books I use for fiber arts notes. There are many, too many, blank books I use for all the notes and drawings and ideas and plans I have.

There is one, very special, blank book that I recently bought before the holidays. It's the Passion Planner that I earmarked for consolidating my lifetime goals. Goals that I have amassed over the years on sticky notes, composition books and Excel spreadsheets.

I discovered this book after watching countless planner videos on YouTube. I searched reviews for this particular book. It met all my criteria for organizing my goals - plus it had a gorgeous embossed cover that I even colored with my alcohol inks. It was a pretty turquoise pleather - soft, and pliable - with thick paper, to prevent bleed through and 'ghosting'. It was on sale as a limited edition.

It became my favorite blank book. So favorite that I put it in a very, very safe place.

Or so I thought...


Have you heard of the Passion Planner? Do you use blank books or planners? If so, what's your favorite store bought planner or blank book? What is your fave DIY binding technique for your DIY planner.

Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to check out my upcoming giveaway post in the right sidebar!



P.S. I don't work for Passion Planner - I just like their blank books.

continued in Part 2

Saturday, October 23, 2010

FREE Tutorial! How to Emboss metal for Art Journal pages, Altered Books, cards, scrapbooks! Complete steps!

Howdy and Welcome!

I'm back after a brief minor illness. Also, been working on pages in my art journals, scrapbooking and taking care of other areas of life.

This is a free tutorial. (UPDATE: Don't forget to check out the other FREE TUTORIALS and FREEBIES here on my blog!)

Embossed metal flags

These embossed and painted metal 'flags' are fun and relatively easy to make. They look fabulous on art journal pages, junk journals, altered book pages, greeting cards, BuJos (bullet journals), smash books, glue books, flo-jos (flow-ish journals), and in scrapbooks. This is not a new technique - just my way of doing it.

The embossed texture is so gorgeous - 
I almost don't want to paint it...

This metal repair tape is not archival, so if you want to use them in your acid-free archival scrapbooks, my suggestion is to seal them with an archival medium - like Golden soft gel medium gloss or Liquitex matte medium.


  • apron
  • Big Shot [or other die cut machine] with embossing platforms
  • bone folder [or similar burnishing tool]
  • decorative scissors [or junky pinking shears dedicated to crafts (not your good pinking shears used for sewing)]
  • dust mask [to protect your lungs when sanding the paint]
  • 'Dust Buddy' [or damp paper towels]
  • embossing folders and texture plates (Cuttlebug, Sizzix, etc.)
  • latex gloves (optional) 
  • medium (optional) - Golden soft gel gloss medium or Liquitex matte medium
  • metal [aluminum repair tape (comes on a roll, from hardware store)] - this flexible, thin tape is adhesive backed and comes with protective wax paper on the back
  • old table cloth [or large craft sheet or something to protect your work surface]
  • old mouse pad (cut to fit)  [or flexible pad included with your die cut machine]
  • page protectors (optional)
  • paints (I got best results using Ranger's Adirondack acrylic paint dabbers which are opaque) or acrylic paints and 1.5" paint brush 
  • removable tape (one-sided) - optional, for use with Big Shot
  • ruler
  • sanding block (from hardware store) [or Tim Holtz's]
  • scissors
  • various storage containers
  • wax paper

Several days, if done in 'batches'.


Test first: you can make a 'prototype' to test this process in just one day, by slightly modifying each step to just use 1 or 2 strips of metal. 

STEP 1 / DAY 1 - CUT:

Cut 5"-6" lengths from roll of aluminum repair tape using scissors. [Cut whole roll. This is a good   project to do while watching TV or a movie.] Store cut tapes until ready for next step.

Mine are stored in an old VHS tape box. Pencil boxes from Target or office supply store would also work. Or just rubber band them together. I store mine in a reused empty VHS box, because I take my projects on crops and when I travel.

Cut strips from metal repair tape - ready to store

Strips stored in old VHS tape box -
a perfect fit!

STEP 2 / DAY 2 - TAPE: 

(optional - works with large Big Shot platforms and the larger texture plates)

Tape three metal strips together using removable tape. Tape together in two places - about 1 inch from top and 1 inch from bottom of metal strips. The purpose of this tape is to keep the metal strips stable while embossing, and also while painting. You could skip this step and emboss and paint the metal strips one-by-one, but it would take forever! Removable tape is required so it can be easily removed later.

Repeat for all remaining strips. 

Store taped strips. I store mine interleaved between sheets of wax paper. One sheet of wax paper is used for each 'three-pack' - that is, one sheet of wax paper for each three strips taped together.


Emboss a 'three-pack' using an embossing folders or texture plates. You might have to create a two-pack or use a single strip if the 'three-pack' is too wide in the embossing folders. Experiment. 

Repeat for all remaining three-packs. Store embossed three-packs.

Various embossing/texture plates and embossing folder

Metal Strip and Embossing folder

Metal Strip inside Embossing folder

Strip inside embossing folder -
ready to run through die cut machine

Embossed metal strips - yummy texture!

The embossed texture is so gorgeous -
I almost don't want to paint it...

Embossed metal strips stored in
 re-purposed plastic packaging -

ready to be painted  in next step

 STEP 4 / DAY 4 - PAINT:

Put on your apron, gloves, and protective covering on your work surface. 

Using 2-3 different color paints (analogous colors that touch on color wheel, or different tints of analogous colors, or your fave colors), quickly paint a three-pack using long broad strokes of the dabber or your brush. I usually paint my strokes diagonally.

Set aside to dry overnight.

Repeat for all remaining three-packs. Store painted three-packs.

Note: the painting / drying step may take a few days.

Important: paint must be completely dry before the next step, sanding.

Dried painted  embossed metal strips -
ready for next step: sanding

STEP 5 / DAY 5 - SAND:
Put on your dust mask. 

With your sanding block, gently sand a three-pack. Then wipe off dust using a 'dust buddy' or slightly damp paper towel. The goal is to sand off a little of the paint that's on the raised edges of the embossed metal.
Repeat for all remaining three-packs. 

Store sanded three-packs by color family. That is, store cool color strips together. Store warm color strips together. I use a rubber band or large clip. Fyi, when the painted strips are stored by color family, it makes it easier to apply strips to your pages based on color.

Sanding block and 'Dust Buddy'


Pull off the removable tape from the back of the thee-pack. You now have single strips.

Repeat for all remaining three-packs. 

Left side has tape on back -
you can just barely see the tape.

Right side is an embossed and painted three-strip

Store single strips by color family. That is, store cool color strips together. Store warm color strips together. I use a rubber band or large clip. Fyi, when the painted strips are stored by color family, it makes it easier to apply strips to your pages, cards and altered books based on color.

Painted strips - sorted by color family,
clipped together and ready to cut in next step


Cut each strip diagonally from corner to corner using the pinking shears or a decorative scissor. I like to use the torn paper decorative scissor or pinking shears for this step.

Repeat for all remaining single strips. 

Store cut 'flags' by color family until ready to use on your AJ, altered book, BuJo, Flo-jo, cards, junk journal, ATCs, or scrapbook page, etc..

Finished Cut flags -
ready for cards, altered books, art  journals, and
scrapbook pages
(Important Note: seal first with a medium for archival scrapbooks)


When ready to use flag, remove backing and carefully place flag in or near corner of your page. This adhesive is very sticky so don't press into place into it is in the desired position. When in desired position, press gently to adhere. Try not to smash the embossing. Burnish edges only with bone folder or similar tool.

Sit back and enjoy your artwork!

c mlh1 - M L Haynes 2010


If you try this free tutorial, please post your results on YOUR blog and then send me a link to that post via my Contact form. I'd love to see your work based on this tutorial!

Thanks for visiting - please follow me - and stop by again soon!


P.S. My 1 year Blog-oversary is rapidly approaching!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!!! Stay tuned for my first Giveaway!

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