by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and Welcome,
Last Friday, Mar 25, I started deconstructing a bunch of antique and vintage watches that I'd bought ages ago. Used my hubby's precision screwdriver set and my jewelry magnifying lamp. Also, took apart a couple of broken kitchen timers.
These are the only parts I could unscrew - the screwdriver set I used was way too flimsy. So I ordered a different precision tool set online which should arrive shortly. Had a great time taking the watches apart! Planning to use the parts on my art journal pages and AB pages.
Would love to see your comments about this post. Have you ever disasssembled watches, timers or clocks?
Thanks for stopping by - and stay tuned for my 100th post Giveaway coming very, very, very, soon!
Mixed Media, Poetry, Photography, Art Journals, Music, Digital Art
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
'WOYWW 95 - 03/30/11 - Image Transfer Prep!'
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and welcome,
For WOYWW this week, there are only two projects in my sights - both of them are organizing tasks. You know how I love to organize!
This is a drawer made from a re-used printer paper box lid. It contains some inkjet printed transparencies, notes for image transfer techniques and a new roll of packing tape. (This new packing tape I found at Michaels - it tears easily with your fingers! So easy to use.)
I'll organize the drawer contents by separating the transparencies from the techniques. The new tape (and the old tape on the left side of the photo) will go in my designated 'tapes' drawer - which is soon to be overflowing. But I'll deal with that another day!
Usually, I cut out the images in a batch, while doing a session of 'fussy cutting' - a term borrowed from the quilting world. During another session, I tear the tape, apply it to the images and trim down the edges. In another session, I burnish the tape onto the image, soak/rub off the paper and layout the tape to dry. When dry, I put the tape transfers in another drawer labeled 'Ready - Inkjet transfers.' Inkjet transfers and toner transfers are kept in separate drawers because I want to be aware of how they behave in my art. I like to do most of my prep work in batches, so that when I'm ready to create, I can just grab what I want - everything is ready to go.
Around the drawer perimeter, you'll spy a water spritzer and a few bottles of paint glazes. These are remnants of some 'wetwork' I did yesterday. I was toning some blank pages in altererd journals, and glopping down another layer of glaze on some previously painted and gessoed pages in an altered book.
I'd love to see your comments about this post. Do you apply image transfers in your artwork? What are your favorite supplies amd media for image transfers?
Thanks for stopping by and please come back soon. My giveaway for Followers is rapidly approaching!
P. S. For more workstations visit WOYWW "What's On Your Workstation Wednesday" players here.
Howdy and welcome,
For WOYWW this week, there are only two projects in my sights - both of them are organizing tasks. You know how I love to organize!
This is a drawer made from a re-used printer paper box lid. It contains some inkjet printed transparencies, notes for image transfer techniques and a new roll of packing tape. (This new packing tape I found at Michaels - it tears easily with your fingers! So easy to use.)
I'll organize the drawer contents by separating the transparencies from the techniques. The new tape (and the old tape on the left side of the photo) will go in my designated 'tapes' drawer - which is soon to be overflowing. But I'll deal with that another day!
Usually, I cut out the images in a batch, while doing a session of 'fussy cutting' - a term borrowed from the quilting world. During another session, I tear the tape, apply it to the images and trim down the edges. In another session, I burnish the tape onto the image, soak/rub off the paper and layout the tape to dry. When dry, I put the tape transfers in another drawer labeled 'Ready - Inkjet transfers.' Inkjet transfers and toner transfers are kept in separate drawers because I want to be aware of how they behave in my art. I like to do most of my prep work in batches, so that when I'm ready to create, I can just grab what I want - everything is ready to go.
Around the drawer perimeter, you'll spy a water spritzer and a few bottles of paint glazes. These are remnants of some 'wetwork' I did yesterday. I was toning some blank pages in altererd journals, and glopping down another layer of glaze on some previously painted and gessoed pages in an altered book.
I'd love to see your comments about this post. Do you apply image transfers in your artwork? What are your favorite supplies amd media for image transfers?
Thanks for stopping by and please come back soon. My giveaway for Followers is rapidly approaching!
P. S. For more workstations visit WOYWW "What's On Your Workstation Wednesday" players here.
altered books,
art journal,
image transfer,
inkjet transfers,
packing tape,
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
"WOYWW #94 - LuLu's Seven MiNi-ToDo's!"
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and Welcome,
This week, for WOYWW, I have a slew of mini-projects to do, usually while inhaling a DVD movie.
Howdy and Welcome,
This week, for WOYWW, I have a slew of mini-projects to do, usually while inhaling a DVD movie.
'7 MiNi ToDos - Mar 23, 2011'
A bit, a tad, a smidgeon, and a boat load!
I know! My worktable looks like a jumbled mess, but there are really 7 mini-projects to do in this pile. Just need to do a bit of organizing, a tad of page laminating, a smidgen of stamping and a boat load of braiding.
Let's hope I get these done before the end of March, because I'm notorious for having multiple projects and several journals going at once. Always biting off more than I can chew...but what artist doesn't. he, he.
Blog hop here for more WOYWW players. Also, sh-h-h-h. But stay tuned for another giveaway for you wonderful Followers coming very, v-e-r-y soon!
Thanks for stopping - and I'd love, love, love to see your comments about this post.
blog hop,
challenge. LuLu,
studio tour,
to do,
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
'Forest of Middle Earth' - Find the Fish!
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and Welcome,
How many fish can you find?
Howdy and Welcome,
How many fish can you find?
'Few are found in the far flung Forest of Middle Earth...'
Collage and Digital montage of
original drawing and original background -
layers and transparencies using MS Digital Image Editor
M.L. Haynes c 2011
Would love to see your comments about this little fantasy piece I just whipped up from two pieces of my original artwork.
Thanks for stopping by - and please stay tuned for my 100th post giveaway - coming soon!
Monday, March 21, 2011
'100 Things: Life Stuff list - How Many Have You Done?'
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and Welcome,
Check out this fun Life List by way of Diane who found it on Dawn DeVries Sokol's blog, D'Blogala... You bold the ones you've done.
Howdy and Welcome,
'We're Not In Kansas Any More!'
an original zendoodle of mine from a previous blogpost
Check out this fun Life List by way of Diane who found it on Dawn DeVries Sokol's blog, D'Blogala... You bold the ones you've done.
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band (actually it was my own pop/rock band - I was the fearless leader, lead vocalist and composed on keyboards)
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo (soloed in church, and in my band)
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris (can’t wait to go back, next time in warmer weather, preferably Springtime)
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch (altered books and art journaling, yeah!)
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables (does watering and harvesting from our garden count?)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France (you’ll be surprised when you see her)
20. Slept on an overnight train (on 1st US and Canadian trip with my grandaprents, the opera singers, at 10 years old)
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked (not a wise thing for a young woman to do, but I was so lucky to arrive safely)
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset (gorgeous!)
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise (a few on Lake Michigan)
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community (love their fabrics and quilts)
36. Taught yourself a new language (do smatterings of cunnieform and ancient greek count?)
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelos David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted (does being drawn numerous times by various people count)
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (does halfway up the Eiffel tower to the restaurant count? it was the most delicious and most expensive meal I ever ate)
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling (does snorkeling in the local park district pool count?)
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater (we saw Michael Jackson in Willard a million years ago)
55. Been in a movie (does dancing in a music video count?)
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies (and was horrible at it)
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check (but not purposely)
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial (at 10 years old)
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial (at 10 years old)
71. Eaten Caviar (delish - after the 1st time)
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle (two of my boyfriends had a bike and I had a bike - but not speeding. does speeding in a Camaro Z28 count?)
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book (my work has been published in a few books - but I'm still looking for a publisher for my poetry books)
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car (the first car I bought was new - a VW bug for $1,500 in the 1970's)
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury (for 20 minutes)
90. Sat on a jury (for 20 minutes)
91. Met someone famous (a list is coming to my blog soon of famous people I’ve met!)
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one (I've lost too many loved ones)
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake (it's more like floating than swimming)
97. Been involved in a law suit (happy to say the result was satisfactory)
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day (duh! Isn't that what weekends are for?! one Harry Potter book, a Kahlil Gibran poetry book, Tsun Su's The Art of War (pocket book), computer manuals and several Michael Crichton books - especially Jurraisic Park III.)
I've done 40 so it looks like I better get crackin' - got a lot more to do! What are the top 10 from this list that you most want to do?
Thanks for stopping by - would love for you to comment. Please stay posted - my 100th blog giveaway is coming soon!
bucket list,
life list,
things to do
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
'LIT List It Tuesday 3/15/11 - LuLu's Fabulous Feast of Art Books!'
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and welcome,
From childhood I've been a voracious reader and bookworm. For the past few past weeks I've been gorging on a feast of art books. Last weekend my hubby surprised me with a slew of art books from our local Borders bookstore - alas, soon to be out of business. For LIT List It Tuesday this week, I decided to list my new books and a bunch more that I'm re-reading. The top six books on the pile are the new ones from hubby!
Howdy and welcome,
From childhood I've been a voracious reader and bookworm. For the past few past weeks I've been gorging on a feast of art books. Last weekend my hubby surprised me with a slew of art books from our local Borders bookstore - alas, soon to be out of business. For LIT List It Tuesday this week, I decided to list my new books and a bunch more that I'm re-reading. The top six books on the pile are the new ones from hubby!
'List of books on the menu for my art books 'feast'.
I think hubby's selection of books for me was brilliant. To me, one of the best things in the world to do is read a pile of books while listening to classical music on the radio. Bliss.
Do you have any of these books? What are some of your fave art books?
(These photos were taken in our sun room/parlor overlooking the back yard - and a bird bath. The binoculars are used when I'm bird watching.)
For more blogspot lists, check out List It Tuesday here.
Thanks for visiting and please come back soon.
art books,
vintage kids books,
workshops books
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
'WOYWW - 03/09/11 - Organizing after unpacking art journal supplies!'
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and welcome,
While I was organizing pens, pencils and markers after unpacking supplies from art journaling I did at the 2 day scrapbooking crop over the weekend, I realized that it's Wednesday! Time for WOYWW - What's on your workstation Wednesday...
Would love for you to comment on this post - or any of my other posts.
Thanks for stopping by and -
stay tuned for info about my 100th post giveaway - coming soon!
Howdy and welcome,
While I was organizing pens, pencils and markers after unpacking supplies from art journaling I did at the 2 day scrapbooking crop over the weekend, I realized that it's Wednesday! Time for WOYWW - What's on your workstation Wednesday...
Resists to be organized and consolidated:
Faber Castell Gel stix, watercolor crayons
(in an antique red tobacco tin I inherited - perfect size),
crayons, and colored pencils
I usually write illegible script, calligraphy or print quotes illegibly when I first start working on blank pages. Love the texture of handwriting, printing and calligraphy. Also I sometimes write and print after I lay down a layer or 2 of acrylic galzes on the page.
I prep journals all in a batch, usually. To me it makes sense to do all the resists while I have the resist supplies out. When I put the resist supplies away, and then take out the messy glazing supplies and do messing glazing. I like to use old hotel or credit cards - per Dawn Sokol's Pages in Stages dvd.
Would love for you to comment on this post - or any of my other posts.
Thanks for stopping by and -
stay tuned for info about my 100th post giveaway - coming soon!
art journal,
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
'30 days of lists: List 8 - What's in my bag?'
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
I just stumbled upon this list site! 30 days of lists.
Here's what's in my daily tote bag - today - too much as usual.....

I just stumbled upon this list site! 30 days of lists.
Here's what's in my daily tote bag - today - too much as usual.....
Black Maggie Barnes faux leather tote bag that I found at Goodwill for $3.
- large, black 'Kangaroo Keeper' with:
- small water bottle
- collapsible travel cup
- keys
- old glasses and case (to remove after visit to eye doctor)
- BAC Street Journal #4 (includes one of my poems!)
- newest The Container Store catalog
- map, address and directions to new dermatologist
- my 'errands'' notebook for when I'm out-and-about
- Moleskine pocket watercolor notebook
- snack baggie
- large paper clip
- emery boards
- bandaids
- pens and highlighter and eraser
- hair pick
- iPod cable and instructions card
- eyedrops and sleepmask
- toothbrush and tootpaste and floss/pick
- spork
- black mini-pouch with:
- 4GB flash drive
- mini tape measure
- hair clip
- scrunchie
- earplugs
- antique pocket scissors - inherited from my grandfather
- lime green 'Nomadic Pouch-In-Bag' with:
- lime green Liz Caliborne wallet
- cellphone
- travel dictionary (french/english)
- travel mirror
- travel embroidered tissue holder
- flat 2011 / 2012 calendar flyer (from doctor's office)
- reporter's memo notebook
- 2 business card holders
- iPod earbuds
- SPF face moisturizer
- hand lotion
- rescue inhaler
- 2 pill boxes
- 4 Ricola cough drops
- chapstick
- lipstick
- mini mechanical pencil, mini gel pen, highlighter, glaze pen, mini sharpie (moved to keyring)
- screwdriver kit with mini tape measure on keyring clip
It looks like too much, but everything has it's home. Would love for you to comment.
Thanks for stopping by to visit.
Stay tuned for my Follower's giveaway coming soon!
'LIT - 03/08/11 - Top 10 Places to Visit with Hubby!'
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and Welcome,
I've been a bit distracted with trying to acquire my new dream studio, but here's my list for this week's LIT List It Tuesday. And yes, I want to go to Disneyworld. I think I'm the only one I know who has never been to Disneyworld!
See more LIT lists here.
Please keep praying for me to get my dream studio. Every little bit helps me get one step closer to my dream!
Thanks for visiting - and stay tuned for my new giveaway coming soon!
Howdy and Welcome,
I've been a bit distracted with trying to acquire my new dream studio, but here's my list for this week's LIT List It Tuesday. And yes, I want to go to Disneyworld. I think I'm the only one I know who has never been to Disneyworld!
'Top 10 Places to VIsit with my Hubby!' -
Sakura glaze pen and mixed-media on original painted grid paper,
tweaked digitally in MS DIE (DIgital Image Editor) with
layers, gradients, and transparencies
See more LIT lists here.
Dream Studio - window 2
Please keep praying for me to get my dream studio. Every little bit helps me get one step closer to my dream!
Thanks for visiting - and stay tuned for my new giveaway coming soon!
Digital image editor,
glaze pens,
Sunday, March 6, 2011
'Coming soon - my 100 post giveaway contest!'
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Howdy and welcome,
Time for another giveaway contest for my loyal followers is coming soon - to celebrate my 100th post! Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, here's a peek at one of the windows in my dream art studio. Click here to see the Diva Challenge post that features this same window in the background.
I hope you will all pray for me so that I get to move into my new dream studio.
Howdy and welcome,
Time for another giveaway contest for my loyal followers is coming soon - to celebrate my 100th post! Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, here's a peek at one of the windows in my dream art studio. Click here to see the Diva Challenge post that features this same window in the background.
I hope you will all pray for me so that I get to move into my new dream studio.
Thanks for stopping by - please leave a comment.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
'I WANT THIS SMASHing video - for Art Journalers!
by Mary Lou 'LuLu' Haynes
Gina posted this on her blog. I want this too!
Watch the SMASHfolio video from EKSuccess!
Are you going to get this in April?!?!?!
P.S. Stay tuned to my blog. Another Giveaway for my loyal Followers is coming soon!!!!
Gina posted this on her blog. I want this too!
Watch the SMASHfolio video from EKSuccess!
Are you going to get this in April?!?!?!
P.S. Stay tuned to my blog. Another Giveaway for my loyal Followers is coming soon!!!!
art journal,
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